You won't find any novel-length lists of ingredients here: just simple, sophisticated dishes that come together with 10 items or less (and still manage to pack in the flavour).

1. Ribollita

This hearty Tuscan soup is made to resuscitate stale crusty bread €” and warm the heart.

2. Seared Tofu with Greens and Crispy Chickpeas

Crispy and flavourful, this is going to be your new favourite way to dress up tofu. 

3. Braised Pork Shoulder with Cheesy Polenta

It’s dead simple to pull this dish together, but it makes for an impressive plate.

4. Spicy Peanut Dan Dan Noodles

This spicy noodle dish is going to be on regular rotation in your kitchen, guaranteed. 

Photos by Tracey Kusiewicz