Two criteria make for a great sleeper sofa, and this one rings a high note for both.

We’re just a couple of weeks away from announcing this year’s winners of our 7th annual Designers of the Year awards (stay tuned August 26), and then just behind that, kicking off our second annual Western Living Design Week—so it’s been a little hectic around these offices. As part of our Design Week , I’ve been visiting a few of the stores that will be throwing events that week, and I spotted this great sleeper sofa from Inspiration Furniture on one of those visits. In my opinion, there are two criteria for the perfect sleeper sofa: one, it doesn’t look like a sleeper sofa, and two, it doesn’t feel like a sleeper sofa. Both bells rung on this one—perfect for when mom comes to visit this fall.Dublexo sleeper sofa, from $1,395, inspirationfurniture.caDublexo sleeper sofa