From modernist architects to a menswear designer, this year's winners are at the forefront of the West's ever-changing, always thrilling design scene.

Our judges pored over hundreds of entries from across Western Canada over the last several months, but the results are finally in. We’re thrilled to announce Western Living‘s Designers of the Year winners for 2015.


ARCHITECTURE: Clinton Cuddington and Piers Cunnington, MeasuredINTERIORS: Nigel Parish, Splyce DesignECO: James Tuer, JWT ArchitectureFURNITURE: Sholto Scruton, Sholto Design StudioFASHION: Yenting Chen, Duly EquippedINDUSTRIAL: Thom FougereARTHUR ERICKSON MEMORIAL AWARD: Marianne Amodio, MAA StudioROBERT LEDINGHAM MEMORIAL AWARD: Kevin Mitchell ONES TO WATCH: AdrianMartinus, Studio Bup, Mtharu and Truvelle 

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