Here's a list of Instagram profiles our team is hooked on browsing (in between meetings, on coffee breaks, over lunch€¦).

Eric Trine/@Etrine

There are more than a few boring and predictable product shot accounts out there, but Eric Trine Studio’s feed (you may remember his stuff from IDSwest 2015) has won me over for two big reasons. One: it’s full of California-cool wire planters, chairs and side tables in punchy palettes, and naturally I want them all. And two? Something called #FridayFancyDance. Very few things make me laugh out loud while on the bus, but these periodic Instagram videos where Creative Director Eric Trine cranks the tunes and dances (solo, or with products and materials hanging around the shop) get me every time. Let us pray the fancy dancing never stops! —Julia Dilworth, Staff Writer 

Janis Nicolay/@Pineconecamp

Photographer Janis Nicolay has one of those sunny-day feeds that literally brightens up my Instagram. Sometimes it’s a glimpse into a photo shoot of some gorgeous and covetable interior, sometimes it’s a slice of life shot from her travels (Carcross, Yukon, most recently)—but it’s always with that bright and airy look that she’s mastered. I feel my shoulders drop an inch when I fall into one of her shots. —Anicka Quin, Editor-in-Chief

A lil sweet-and-savoury action going on, now #ontheblog! #muffins #tahini #rosemary #buzzfeast #feedfeed #crumb #f52grams

A photo posted by Greer | 16 | (@thecastirongirl) on


As a proud papa, no other stream gives me more joy than @thecastirongirl for its note-perfect, but not too perfect shots of whatever dish she’s created (and because she’s my 16 year-old-daughter). I also love the guys from the fashion brand Saturdays Surf as they’re always jetting of some place stylish to hit the waves and sell some clothes. —Neal McLennan, Food and Travel Editor 

Small Folk Travel/@SmallFolkTravel

There’s no shortage of travel inspiration to be found online, but my favourite thing about this account in particular is that it makes the nomad lifestyle appear so do-able—after all, the photographer is strolling along the Seine, lunching by the fountains of Aix-en-Provence and exploring chateaus with two toddlers in tow. Small Folk Travel just so happens to be run by a former WL editorial intern (hi, Taraneh!), and her snapshots document a lifestyle that on the other side of the pond with her travel-loving family might be envy-inducing if they weren’t so sweet.  —Stacey McLachlan, Senior Editor