No fly would dare bug you with this display piece on your patio this summer.

Now that the summer evenings are drawing out later and later, I can’t resist ending my day by lounging on the patio with a glass of wine in hand, soaking in the last few rays of sunshine. Unfortunately, I’ve come to discover that I’m not the only one who’s taken with patio season. The summer flies have also decided to take part, and although they’re not quite as pesky as their mosquito counterparts, they tend to put a damper on my nightly escape. But while I would normally resort to using sticky bug strips to dissuade them, I’ve found a new solution in Kaufmann Mercantile’s Anti-Fly Glass Sphere. Designed by up and coming Mexico City-based designer José de la O, this light bulb-shaped glass display piece is the perfect way to subtly combat flies in an aesthetically pleasing way. Once it’s filled with water, the sunlight reflecting through the glass confuses and frightens off insects with faceted eyes, leaving you to enjoy your evening in solitude once again. After all, only people you invite should be able to experience your patio oasis with you this summer.Anti-Fly Glass Sphere, $89.91,