Emerald sparkles as the ultimate accent shade.


1. Going Green Emerald base lamp with white linen and brass shade ($549) by Mint Private Label. mintinteriors.ca

2. Luxe Lounging Betty Breton chair ($825) from Parliament. parliamentinteriors.com

3. Right This Way Arrowhead embroidered linen pillow ($245) from The Cross. thecrossdesign.com

4. Soft Focus Secus silk carpet (from $17,000) by ZoΠLuyendijk. salari.com

5. Now and Zen Emerald Buddha ($60) by CB2. cb2.ca

6. Marvellous Marble Marble Hex table ($179) from West Elm. westelm.ca

7. Stone Cool Malachite vases (from $149) by Jonathan Adler. mintinteriors.ca